Friday, September 27, 2019

Was the Second Republic always destined to loose the war conflict in Research Paper

Was the Second Republic always destined to loose the war conflict in the Spanish Civil War - Research Paper Example The Spanish civil war started with a military revolution. The long history of intervention of military power and control in Spain has affected the political life of the country to great extent. The revolution of 17th July of 1936 became an intense one and used old instruments for the purpose of making significant political changes in the country. Josà © Sanjurjo was the leader of that time of the Second Spanish Republic. A group of generals who were under the leadership of Josà © Sanjurjo started the war through declaration of opposition. This opposition was declared against the government, against the President of that time Manuel Azaà ±a. Several conservative groups (most important of these groups were Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right) have supported this coup and created the revolution a significant revolution in the country. This revolution was the war between the new and the old. The war was against the democratic government of Spain which was ruling the country during 1930s. The war came to an end with the triumph of the Nationalists, more importantly conservative Nationalists. In this way the Second Spanish Republic came to an end in the 1st April, 139 when they were defeated by conservative Nationalists . This paper is aimed at describing a critical context of the loss of the Second Spanish Republic in the Spanish Civil War. It tries to answer the question, â€Å"Was the Second Republic always destined to loose the war conflict in the Spanish Civil War?† The background of the Spanish Civil War: The Spanish Civil War was a war in regard to the revolution of conservative nationalists against the democratic government of the country. ... This revolution was the war between the new and the old. The war was against the democratic government of Spain which was ruling the country during 1930s. The war came to an end with the triumph of the Nationalists, more importantly conservative Nationalists. In this way the Second Spanish Republic came to an end in the 1st April, 139 when they were defeated by conservative Nationalists1. This paper is aimed at describing a critical context of the loss of the Second Spanish Republic in the Spanish Civil War. It tries to answer the question, â€Å"Was the Second Republic always destined to loose the war conflict in the Spanish Civil War?† The background of the Spanish Civil War: The Spanish Civil War was a war in regard to the revolution of conservative nationalists against the democratic government of the country. The war began as military revolution and then it became the revolution of every citizen of the country and created significant political changes in the country. One of the most important features of this change was the demolition of the democratic government of the country and demolition of the Second Spanish Republic. At the time of revolution the country was facing several internal conflicts related to political, social, cultural and also to economic contexts. Various small revolts were going on in the country by reformists and conservative Nationalists. With the establishment of Spanish Constitution in 1812 the monarchy of the ancient regime has been abolished. This change led to the establishment of a compatible state with more ideologically constructed nature. After the creation of the Spanish Constitution and before

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